What we have done and why
We're committed to reducing our carbon footprint, increasing efficiency and sustainability, and making greener products and services
Solar Energy
Since 2014 Ashby has been offsetting it's energy consumption with 350 solar panels, installed on our factory roof, providing 576 square metres of active solar generation. This investment in sustainability gives us an annual reduction in our carbon footprint of nearly 45 tonnes*! The panels also seem to provide an agreeable home to a local flock of pigeons...
*This figure is based on offsetting grid displaced electricity at 0.529Kg/kWh per annum
Since 2014 Ashby has been offsetting it's energy consumption with 350 solar panels, installed on our factory roof, providing 576 square metres of active solar generation. This investment in sustainability gives us an annual reduction in our carbon footprint of nearly 45 tonnes*! The panels also seem to provide an agreeable home to a local flock of pigeons...
*This figure is based on offsetting grid displaced electricity at 0.529Kg/kWh per annum